Our Story

The name Tiny Seeds comes from Psalm 92:13 and Colossians 2:6-7 which represents how our babies start out tiny then eventually grow up.

I have always loved retail, but now that I have a child of my own, my love and passion for clothes is more for the little ones. That is why I want to pursue Jesus and His calling through children's clothing and more.

It is never too early to plant the seed, and I can't wait to walk alongside you and watch the tiniest one that you're shopping for grow. 

Let's plant seeds together and watch them grow!

- Katie

Thanks for visiting Tiny Seeds!

There is nothing we appreciate more than your support and trust in our tiny business, helping us to grow! We are here because of you, overflowing with thankfulness from all of the support. We can’t wait to do more business with you in the future as your children continue to grow too.

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